If you have heard about this powerful and unique carbon-based stone, then you will also be asking where to buy Shungite in Malaysia. And the good news is that you can now from our new age shop called Green Daun in Petaling Jaya.
Shungite originates from the village of Shunga in Karelia, hence the name and is only found there and nowhere else. In today’s world, many are seeking the natural benefits of crystals and Shungite is one of the sought after ones.
Also, Shungite is not a crystal but a stone with carbon minerals that predates mankind. It is truly one of the most unique and powerful stones for healing.
Where to Buy Shungite in Malaysia?
In Malaysia, many people may not be familiar with Shungit because not many people understand about this special stone or know where to get them.
We at Green Daun have been dealing in crystals, stones and wood since 2015 and have learned quite a bit about them. No, we do not only read online, then copy and paste as many online sellers do.

We initially obtain the crystal or stone and test the energy by ourselves, talk to people who know about them and then only introduce them to our customers.
With that, you can now buy Shungite in Malaysia from our new age shop and when you walk in, we will explain the benefits to you.
It is also important that you see, touch and feel the crystal as the physical connection is highly important when doing so.

What is Shungite?
Though this may be something new to many, Shungite is a mineraloid or stone and has been around for a while now, and is found in Zazhoginskoye near Lake Omega in the Shunga region of Karelia, Russia.
It is also known that some other countries have found Shungite deposits but it is the Karelia Shungite that is much sought after.
The stones come in dark grey to a black colour and comprise of 98% carbon minerals and has been used since the 18th century. And the age of Shungite is also estimated to be around 2 billion years old and is often called ‘The Stone of Life’.
There are also two types of these stones which are Noble Shungite or Elite Shungite and the common or regular Black Shungite stones. Noble or Elite Shungite is much more expensive and much sought after by crystal collectors.
Elite Shungite which has a shiny appearance is made out of 90% carbon while the regular Shungite which is usually in matte black, has a carbon composition of 30% to 50%. This is one of the reasons why the Elite Shungite is more prized.

How to Use Shungite?
There are numerous ways Shungite can be used and I will list down the most popular methods of using this special crystal or stone.
Provides Grounding – Shungite helps to provide strong grounding through the lower Chakras by giving a stronger connection to mother earth, hence feeling grounded. This also helps to discharge negative energies that have been built up.
Purifying and Cleansing Negative Energy – Known to clear negative energies of an entire room or space and then purify the area.
Promoting Mental Clarity – Used to clear up toxic emotions, thoughts, grudges and guilt that clour your judgement and provide mental clarity towards your thoughts. Use when meditating to ease all of the negativity.
Activates Root Chakras – Because of the strong grounding properties of Shungite, it is known to ground you with mother earth thus activating your root chakra.
Aligns All Chakras – For those who have activated their chakras, Shungite helps to clear and balance one’s aura and aligns all the chakras and eases energy flow through you, raising your vibration.
Calms Anxiety and Depression – Shungite is also known to aid people with uncontrollable emotion, high anxiety and depression.
Protection against EMF or Electromagnetic Frequencies – Many use Shungite to protect themselves from electromagnetic frequencies or radiation that are emitted from monitors, televisions, Wi-Fi routers, smartphones and other electrical appliances.
EMF generally disrupts our energetic field, negatively impacting the cells in our body leaving us feeling drained, burnt out and imbalanced. Shungite helps to transform harmful manmade EMFs into waveforms that are more compatible with our natural biology.
Purifies Water – This is highly used by many people around the world where the natural shungite is infused in water to purify and energize it. What it does is that the Shungite raises calcium, oxygen, magnesium, and other essential mineral content to your basic H2O.
Why We Don’t Sell Crystals Online?
I believe that there are people out there who may be wondering why we do not sell our crystals online. Especially those from out of Kuala Lumpur, and we have to apologize as this is not our business module.
You can read about why we do not sell crystals online as it explains in detail and hopefully you will understand the reasons.

Where is Our New Age Shop?
Our retail shop is located in Damansara Perdana which is Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Just use the Waze App or Google Maps and key in “Green Daun” and it will bring you to our shop.
For those in Kuala Lumpur city, it is only a 20-30 minute drive to our shop, depending on the time of day. There is public transport available and you can find out more from our directions to Green Daun article.
For outstation customers in other states, we apologize that we are not open to selling online and our best recommendation is when you visit KL in future, you can always visit our shop.
At the end of Shungite is one of the most underrated and powerful stones that can be used by anyone. Namely, if you are a healer or doctor, nurse, or even a holistic health practitioner.
If you have read or hear about this amazing stone, then you now know where to buy Shungite in Malaysia. It is available here at our new age shop in Petaling Jaya.
Again, if you have any questions about this, please feel free to drop by our shop to see, touch and feel the energy of the Shungite crystal stones. For your added information, any online inquiries will be diverted to visiting our new age shop.