If you are looking to buy Auralite 23 crystal bracelet in Malaysia, you can find them at the Green Daun new age craft shop in Petaling Jaya.
Update 2021: We no longer do custom made bracelets at Green Daun, and we also do not do “Restringing Service” for bracelets or necklaces. Please take note of this.
We have a limited Auralite 23 crystal beads stock, probably one of the most powerful healing stones.
This beautiful crystal is also known by other names, such as Auralite Amethyst or Kindred Spirit Crystal, but here in Malaysia, it is called Auralite 23.
Where to Buy Auralite 23 Crystal Bracelet in Malaysia?

You should also know that the Auralite 23 crystal in Malaysia is sold by the gram due to the high cost of these unique stones.
The Auralite crystal is not easily found, and they come in various grades. There are also fake Auralite 23 in the market, so you need to know what they look like before buying them.
Auralite 23 also comes in different grades, and some of the higher grades can cost thousands of ringgit, where the medium grades cost only hundreds.
But if you are buying them online, we would strongly recommend you to know what you are buying as there are too many unreliable sellers out there.

What is Auralite 23 Crystal?
For those interested in knowing what Auralite 23 is, let us give you some basic information on one of the most powerful healing crystals in the world.
This crystal is also a very new crystal that was only discovered in 2011 and Canada. Why it gets the name, Auralite 23 is because of the 23 different minerals and metals found in the crystal.
The base crystal is mainly made of Amethyst, Citrine and Green Quartz. The age of this crystal is also known to be around 1.2 billion to 2 billion years old.
In today’s world, the raw crystals are exported to China for polishing and finishing and then exported back to other countries. This is where the fake Auralite 23 stones are also coming from.

What are the 23 Minerals in Auralite 23?
Those who want to know the 23 minerals in the Auralite crystal are listed below and taken from one of the leading Auralite websites in the world.
The entire raw chunk of crystal usually contains all 23 minerals. But when you cut and polish them, the minerals start to be spread into each of the crystal beads.
This means that not one single Auralite 23 bead has all 23 minerals. Each bead may contain a few minerals, and some of them are visible to the naked eye.
1. Titanite
Enhances concentration and mental abilities. Brings good fortune, increases knowledge.2. Cacoxenite
Spiritual cleansing, regeneration, aligns with the divine (6th & 7th chakras).3. Lepidocrocite
Emotional healing, love and empathy, soul retrieval, inspiration (4th chakra).4. Ajoite
Love, healing, emotional support, goddess and angelic communication (4, 5, 6, 7 chakras).5. Hematite
Grounding, manifestation, harmonizes mind, body spirit (1st chakra).6. Magnetite
Alignment, grounding balance polarity, awaken potentials (all chakras).7. Pyrite
Healer’s gold harmonizes astral, subtle and causal bodies aligning them with the physical. Balances male and female aspects. Activates weak chakras and enhances subtle flow of energies.8. Goethite
Opens a cosmic anchor attaching you safely between the core of the earth and galactic center. Resonates to #44, the number of metamorphosis. Facilitates clairvoyance. Purifies the emotional body releasing hooks and past life issues.9. Pyrolusite
Used for transformation and transmutation of one’s physical, emotion and intellectual bodies. Brings energy for reconstructing one’s life. Heal areas of disturbance. Used to heal and balance the aura by repelling negative energy.10. Gold
Gold symbolizes the spiritual aspect of “All That Is”. It is symbolic of spirituality and development of complete understanding. Allow one to attain and maintain communion with the source of all being. Prompts one to allow beauty to come forth. Balances energy fields and eliminates ego conflicts.11. Silver
Silver within crystal is beautiful and rare. Silver brings one “the advantage” throughout life. It can be used as a mirror to the soul, to simulate seeing oneself from outside of the body. Provides a strong connection to the astral body. Silver both attracts and retains and is a steadying influence.12. Platinum
Balances the centers and meridians of the physical body. Aligns body to the etheric and subtle bodies. Facilitates maintenance of optimum health. Stimulates self-approve and facilitates no-judgmental attitudes toward others.13. Nickel
Extends into most dimensions, accesses additional information. Solves problems and provides personal breakthroughs.14. Copper
Combats lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability and non-acceptance of oneself. Stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy and independence. Conveys the messages that there is no need to seek love or to search for life but there is a need to seek and release all restrictions installed by within the self. It is a bestower of good bringing benefit to the user.15. Iron
Brings mental and emotional balance. Bestows new energies enabling one to dismiss traditional issues. Facilitates smooth sailing. Can provide contact with the fairy kingdom. Stimulates contact with other worldly intelligence, enhancing receipt of information.16. Limonite
Assists one toward stability and comfort. Provides the strength and virility of youth enhancing the substance of one’s character and provides an “iron hat” for protection against negative thoughts, impaired clarity or psychic attack. Furthers accuracy in the intuitive processes.17. Sphalerite
Balances male and female aspects. Helps one to recognize treachery and deceit. Enhances one’s intuitive abilities. Facilitates removal of blockages and helps to dispel feelings of inferiority.18. Covellite
Stimulates the 3rd eye. Initiates psychic power. Enhances communication skills. Stimulates a positive outlook. Assist in transforming conscious dreams into realities. Helps one to be reflective and acts as a mirror. It assists in matters of birth and re-birth. The message of Covellite is that to be born again is to release the past and to be able to see the present without anxiety and disapproval.19. Chalcopyrite
Assists in finding lost objects. Enhances abilities of perception and strengthens contact with ancient cultures of the universe. It is a connective force with other cultures. It is a “stone of the mystic” bringing information for self and others relative to ethereal energies. Can remove energy blockages and can totally open the crown chakra, cleansing and activating at the same time.20. Gialite
Gialite is excellent for balancing and grounding negative energies, primarily related to the root chakra.21. Epidote
Provides for an increase in that to which attunes it. It is a stone to experience all aspects of one life. Dispels criticalness. Enhances perceptions, participation and interaction and supplements personal power.22. Bornite
Facilitates synthesis of chakras and is useful in individual activation of chakras. Brings freshness and newness to life. Stimulates inner spirit to seek further heights. Substantiates ability to enjoy happiness in the moment. It is a stone of happiness providing a message that life is truly joyful.23. Rutile
The ethereal aspects of rutile, when found within another crystalline form, bring strength with love, ease in transition, growth in all avenues of one’s development and calm, reason and order. It is used for healing and balancing the aura via repelling negative energy. It affects the physical, etheric and astral bodies. Assist in getting to the root of a problem. It is a stone for stabilizing relationships.

Buying Auralite 23 Crystal Bracelet in Malaysia
If you are wondering where to buy Auralite 23 crystal bracelets in Malaysia, we think that only very few selected shops sell them.
This is also from guessing, but we have the authentic Auralite 23 crystal bracelets for sale if you visit our shop. You can visit our shop to see them and get information about these powerful healing crystals.
Perhaps most of the Auralite 23 or Aura 23 crystals are available online, as we have seen some sellers selling them.
But we strongly advise taking caution as there are many fake and very low-quality Auralite 23 being passed as the real ones. So, if you buy them online, are you sure you will be getting the real crystal?

Fake Auralite 23 Crystals
If you did not already know, many fake Auralite 23 crystals are being sold worldwide; therefore, one should be extra cautious when buying them online.
So if you do not know what the real crystal looks like, you may be duped into thinking that every online seller is trustworthy. Just take a look at the image above and compare it with some of our images.
As always, not everything you see online is genuine. For example, local Malaysians sell turquoise crystal bracelets for RM50; those are not real turquoise stones.
They are artificial ones that look like turquoise. If you want to see what the real turquoise beads look like, visit our new age shop in Damansara Perdana, Petaling Jaya.
Update 2021: We no longer do custom made bracelets at Green Daun, and we also do not do “Restringing Service” for bracelets or necklaces. Please take note of this.

What kind of Auralite 23 Crystal Bracelets do we sell?
We only sell the medium to high-grade Auralite 23, which are reasonable and good enough to be used for your general healing.
The Auralite bracelets come in two sizes, 7mm, 7.5mm and 10.5mm. Women prefer the smaller sizes, while the men would go for the slightly larger crystal beads.
As for the price, they are sold by the gram, and you need to visit our shop to find out. We sell them as a whole or individual crystal beads.
Depending on how each person wants it. Some want a few crystal beads to mix with other crystals too.
We Also Sell Auralite 20 Raw Crystals
For your added information, we also sell Auralite 23 raw crystals here in Malaysia, and you can visit our shop to see them.
For healers or those who are interested in getting the raw Auralite 23, you should visit our shop to see, touch and feel the energy of these amazing crystals. As they say, the best way is to feel the crystals, not buy them online.

Other Healing Crystals We Sell
In our shop, we have many other crystal gem beads for sale, and we sell them individually, piece by piece. We carry small to large sizes for the other beads.
You can find crystal beads like Citrine, Black Onyx, Aquamarine, Tiger Eye, Agate, Clear Quartz, Phantom, Moonstone and many others.
We also sell the 7 Chakra bracelets and the Super 7 Bracelets ready or custom made to your size for those into healing bracelets. These are one of our best sellers for those who want something meaningful and simple.
Where is Our New Age Shop?
For those planning to visit us, use Waze or Google Maps and key in “Green Daun”, and it will bring you right to our doorstep. We are located in Damansara Perdana in Petaling Jaya.
Update 2021: We no longer do custom made bracelets at Green Daun, and we also do not do “Restringing Service” for bracelets or necklaces. Please take note of this.

Other natural stones we sell include lava stones and Rudraksha beads. We also carry many different beads like wooden beads, glass beads, porcelain beads and even ethnic beads.
We also cater to jewellery repair, namely for crystal bracelets, anklets or necklaces. We offer restringing services for loose crystal bracelets, which can be done in under 10 minutes.
We hope that after reading this, you now know where to buy Auralite 23 crystal bracelet in Malaysia. If you have questions, please contact us or visit our shop to see these beautiful gems or our collection of other gems.
Hi there Chelaine, emailed and thank you.
Hi, may I know how much for Aurora 23 for 9mm & 10.5mm. If u have 10mm Pls provide the price as well.